All writing, editing & collaboration tools
Basic Website Landing pages
Mailing List Manager
No custom Landing pages
No payments integration
No custom domain
All writing, editing & collaboration tools
Basic Website Landing pages
Mailing List Manager
Custom Landing pages
Payment Integration
Custom domain
This means that older articles are worthless and the amount of "value" in access to the articles is constant over time. Not so with your blog. Each article you post increased the value of your blog. A person buying a 1-month subscription in month 20 gets the same amount of value as someone who has paid 20-months subscription. This is unfair to everyone involved.
I'd say we're well past that point. Your readers don't need to manage another subscription to get access to your words. Do everyone a favour and just sell them the words in a one time transaction, you know, like with a book.
With a newsletter if you don't publish regularly you stop growing. The algorithm is a hard taskmaster. It takes all the joy out of writing. And here's the rub --- you have dozens of older posts that your newsletter platform won't mail out to new users because it's optimized for news. And this is where we come in.
We'll keep your newer readers engaged with freebies, older posts and so on so that you don't absolutely need to write to a schedule if you don't want to.