
At Large in the Garden of Eden

At Large in the Garden of Eden

Vibe this -  that the world is a garden of delights. 

Then vibe with what you 'know' about the world. Is it the same vibe? I didn't think so.

The world in our head seems more like a coal-mine than a garden. A mine where you stop digging means you stop producing value. Whatever we take home is extracted through labour. To miss a day of work means to not eat that night.

But this is a dead end conception.

The truth is that we are alive. Not just that, the whole of creation is alive. Things are constantly being born and ripening and producing and creating. And there are still parts of civilisation that are just like living in a garden. With a bit of care, a bit of skill, a bit of love and bit of patience we can get for ourselves endless sustainance and myriad of pleasures, just by going with this flow.

But this garden is not open to those that sees the world as a coal-mine. Sabbatical is a vehicle for changing that mindset. For dipping your toe into this lifestream of creation and for knowing with certainty that you will be ok, that this stream is endless and it provides for everyone that lives in accordance with its flow.

This is the abundance mindset. And it is its own reward. Much more valuable than any career outcome.

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